Our dear friend

Created by beausangel 10 years ago
I met Ian through my husband Dave, who he worked with at Steels. I used to visit Dave every day but always nipped in to see Ian first for a chat and he always made time for me giving me his opinion and valuable advice on anything and everything and he was usually right. I was with dave nearly 11 years before he proposed and over those years we had our ups and downs. Ian helped me immensley over all those years bless him and became my agony uncle and never complained. He always told me dave would propose someday and he was right. Thats why I had to skype Ian on my wedding day as I wanted him to be the first to see me in my dress before anyone. If he had been strong enough he would have been daves best man as dave had as much respect and love for Ian as I had. Unbeknown to me, he had been daves agony uncle over the years as well. Poor Ian. ha ha. My daughter Lauren absolutely adored him and he always made a huge fuss of her when I took her to steels with me. She couldnt get out of the car quick enough to get to him and he always made her feel special, such a quality that is rare in men. I met jackie at the christmas parties and she became just as important to us all. We have never met such a loving, generous couple as Jackie and Ian. we miss you so much Ian, we think about you frequently and you will always be in our hearts. thank you for being a good friend. xxxxxx