You will always be at my side.
When I looked out over the terrace last night, I noticed a single star,
With cloud so dense you couldn't see the moon
I knew it could only be you.
I stared at you for a while hoping for a reason,
Then realised at that very moment that you weren't gone at all,
In fact you are and always will be alive in our hearts and memories,
Your love is strong Ian,
So strong in fact that it has burned a hole in the clouds,
Just so that the light of you can keep us warm and protected at night.
Though night shall fade and day shall come,
I know that you will not have abandoned me,
For you are now my shadow that guides and protects my day,
I know now that I shall never walk alone again,
For you will always be there holding my hand.
One would not think to ever hurt me,
For they will see my Husband at my side,
And know that a man of power protects me.
I will sleep easy tonight,
Knowing that you are there beside me,
When I feel that extra bit of warmth and security at night,
I know it is but your arms wrapped around me.
I will never be alone, And You will never be Never Forgotten.
Poem read at the funeral by Jackie