Our Dad

Created by jackiemsmart 11 years ago
Our Dad When growing up our dad was most defiantly the man of the house he ruled our house with the right amount of fear, respect and love….. I was a little testing as a child to put it mildly and the phase that was used quite a lot in our house was ‘wait until you dad gets home!!!’ And my god when that door went we would run and hide as dad only needed to raise his voice and that was enough!!! Both our parents brought us up so well, they had the balance right. They are our friends but also our parents and not many people can say their parents are friends, people who we can confided in and tell all our secrets too and never be judged, they just listened and guided us when needed. When we were young dad found it difficult to express his love to us as dad was most diffentalty a mans man but when dad said he loved us or gave us a love we know he meant it and because of that it meant so much more than been showered with love! All that changed as we got older though and having grandchildren soften him and he was such a loving man. My dad, Papa to his grandchildren was a great papa who loved his grandchildren immensely, he loved them all and my only wish is that he could have been here longer to spend time with them and see them grow into Adults. But although my dad isn’t here anymore he is still living…. Is lives through me and my sisters.... he lives through our children because without him we wouldn’t be here. So thank you dad for giving us life, for being a great role model someone whom we look up to and inspire us to be great, Thank you for being you, our friend and our dad.